Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

my wish for my best

@pipiwaws semoga panjang umur sehat selalu #wishforvivi 1 

@pipiwaws semoga ga galau lagi #wishforvivi 2

@pipiwaws cepet jadian *lirik..... ups #wishforvivi 3

@pipiwaws ga dikasih harkos lagi wk! #wishforvivi 4

@pipiwaws May God be with you and bless yo #wishforvivi 5

@pipiwaws may this day and all your days be filled with the wonder of God’s special love for you #wishforvivi 

@pipiwaws jangan lemot lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jangan oon #wishforvivi 7 

@pipiwaws I hope your birthday was as special as you are #wishforvivi 8

@pipiwaws I hope you had an amazing day! #wishforvivi 9

@pipiwaws I wish you a year with loads of fun and beautiful memories #wishforvivi 10

@pipiwaws I wish for you to have someone to love, someone new in your life who will care about you!! #wishforvivi 11 

@pipiwaws I wish you happy and cheerful life ahead #wishforvivi 12

@pipiwaws semoga besok ada traktiran buat gue biar telat ge diterima ko :P wkwk #wishforvivi 13

@pipiwaws semoga besok ga sakit gara2 diceburin tadi #wishforvivi 14

@pipiwaws i hope you are happy with surprise from us #wishforvivi 15

@pipiwaws you are a good friend, one more, happy birthday and thanks for the friendship we share #wishforvivi 16 

Done! kenapa cuman sampe 16? karena umurnya 16! tua ya ih gak kaya gue masih muda dun (?)

thankyou~ keep read my post ya

with smile,

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